Thursday 12 November 2015

Some days bonuses are just being eagle eyed. In London earlier and spotted these being given out near Waterloo station. Thank you Uncle Ben thats lunch tomorrow sorted.

Monday 9 November 2015

So today's extra earning option was food tasting!
If I am honest it was all a little strange to start with as I went and found a back room in an office block and felt like I was entering a bad horror movie. I was slightly reassured to have another newbie in front of me so we could fight off whatever was to come.
However once in the room it was all very safe and set up to go.
Everyone had a table and water, knife and fork, biscuit and Ipad.
There were lots of people who must be regulars - they sensibly had brought books to read as there was a lot of sitting around.
We had to eat steak.
You can eat whole sample if you want but as I knew there would be 9 bits of steak with no accompaniments thought that would be too much
However as the session ran 10 till 12 I made sure that the ones I actually liked I had 2 mouthfuls so didn't have to worry about buying lunch on the way home.
The reward for the 2 hour session will be £15.
I am hoping next time for cake!!

Saturday 7 November 2015

As we were in London for our free tickets ice skating we felt we needed to squeeze a little more in. As we have the Merlin Annual Pass we decided to try out the new Shrek Adventure. Reviews from our household are a little mixed. The initial bus ride movie in 3D was amazing - even had me carried away! After that you walk around the different rooms in a large group and there are actors and special effects in each room taking you through a story. It is all very clever but I am not great at the whole audience participation thing and my little one found some of it a bit scary.
I think I would go again but only for "free" as an add on to my pass - I don't think I would pay the amount of money the normally charge though.
Official website for NEW London attraction Shrek's Adventure! Book tickets online for guaranteed best prices. Sign up for news and exclusive offers.

I have won again!!

This time 2 tickets to Natural History Museum ice rink courtesy of Time Out.

It was wonderful! and we made the most of the day and went to the museum to see the Dinosaurs for free too.

My photos are not great - not brave enough to take it out on the ice. On top of the ice skating we did end up paying for a Penguin but only as my little one not able to skate yet.

They were taking photos as you skated as well and unlike every other attraction in London these were actually available for free afterwards upstairs. Only downside was the queue to get them.

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Getting things for free -
I have signed up to get some products for testing.
The current product is Sure. You use both the traditional size and the compressed size to see that they last as long and then tell your friends when you are happy.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Back on the theme of use what you have. I was given a gift voucher for a cinema a year ago and have never managed to use it and it was due to expire but it was not actually enough to get me into a screening and I didn't want to add the extra money. Sudden brainwave - it covers food too. So rather than waste it went in today and made sure that I spent every penny of it in the cafe! Delicious.